First Day of School : Grades 1-8
Warren Prescott Lower School (K2- Grade 5): 50 School Street Charlestown, MA02129
Warren Prescott Upper School (Grades 6-8): 8 Pearl Street Charlestown, MA 02129
Thursday, September 5, 2024 (Day 1)
- All students in grades 1-8 report
- Doors will open at 8:15 AM
- Breakfast is available at 8:15 AM
- Students in grades 1-5 will report directly to their homerooms ( Lower School)
- Students in grades 6, 7, and 8 will report directly to their homerooms ( Upper School)
- ABA Strand students in grades 1-6 will report directly to their homerooms ( Lower School)
Special Note regarding dismissal: ALL BUILDINGS
School dismissal each day is at 3:10 PM. On the first day of school, please ensure that your child knows how s/he is getting home. If there is any change to the regular determined bus or walker routine, a note from a parent must be sent including the departure change and a phone number. No exceptions. Safety is our priority at the Warren Prescott K-8 School. We ask that all parents wait outside during dismissal. It is essential that we keep the foyer area clear.
Special Note: Please refrain from dismissing your child between 2:45 PM and 3:10PM. It is very disruptive to the learning environment and the dismissal procedure. If it is imperative that you dismiss your child, please ensure a note is sent to your child’s teacher.
- K2: Rooms 111(Elias) and 112(Pittari) will dismiss to the modular lot directly from their classrooms. Room 110(O’Brien) will dismiss to the modular lot from the side door.
- Grade 1: will dismiss from the Pearl Street Playground
- Grade 2 : will dismiss from School Street main door
- Grades 3-5 will dismiss from Pearl Street Playground
- Grade 6-8 will dismiss from the Main Upper School doors